1 時間前
トランプ大統領 ウクライナ鉱物資源の権益供与「合意近い」 合意しなければスターリンクからウクライナを遮断と警告
3 時間前
Propaganda Buster
1 週間前
Michael Yon JP
5 年前
2771 お知らせ0122
6 年前
6 年前
News U.S. 中国・韓国・在日崩壊ニュース
【韓国経済崩壊】4~6月の成長率、なんと0.7%!!!! 馬鹿か!!!! 機械や輸送機器の業績が悪化!!!! 設備投資も6.6%減!!!! 2ch「マイナス成長に入りそうだな」「自動車造船が駄目だしこの程度」
6 年前
事実だけを並べてみると色々と見えてくるものがある。 - ジョージ・ソロスと難民・移民支援 - ソロスの援助で米オバマ政権誕生 - オバマ前米政権、ソロス氏系団体に資金提供 - オバマ政権の副大統領アル・ゴア - アル・ゴアのルーツ、ソ連共産党にも繋がる - アル・ゴアと環境カルト - アル・ゴアのノーベル平和賞受賞 - オバマ前米大統領のノーベル平和賞 - キッシンジャーのノーベル平和賞 - ソロスの反トランプ扇動 - ソロスとジョン・マケインの反トランプ共闘 - マケインとISISバグダディの昵懇写真 - エドワード・スノーデン、ISISはモサドとCIAとMI6が育てたと暴露 - 小泉純一郎元首相と子ブッシュの親睦 - 小泉純一郎、朝銀への1兆4千億円血税投入 - 小泉純一郎元首相と菅直人元首相他の反原発活動 - 核兵器廃絶国際キャンペーン(ICAN)と共産党の関係 - ICANとピースボートの関係 - ICAN、ノーベル平和賞受賞 - ICAN、安倍首相の不在日程で強引にアポ取り、応じられない安倍首相を何故か批判 - ICANを支援する Ploughshares Fund はソロス資金 - 菅直人元首相とソロスの関係 - ブッシュ家とソロス・マネー - 9.11とブッシュ家とサウジアラビア - 小池百合子は小泉ファミリー - 小池百合子、ロンドンのソロス宅を訪問 - 小池百合子は過去に小沢一郎とも繋がる - 小池百合子を「姉さん」と慕う石破茂 - 石破茂の反日・反安倍姿勢 - フジテレビ『特別来日!外交の巨人キッシンジャーの警告「目覚めよ!日本人」』(2007年4月1日(日)放送終了)で出演にキッシンジャー、ゲストはなぜか石破茂 - 反日メディア、「次期首相にふさわしい人ランキング」アンケートで「2位:小泉進次郎、3位:石破茂、4位:小池百合子、5位:蓮舫」 - 小泉進次郎と石破茂の関係(石破派旗揚げに呼応) - 小泉進次郎、JA全農の韓国産肥料輸入を主導 - 小泉進次郎農相の強引な農業改革で農家票が自民から逃避。米どころ新潟県知事選では自民敗北。共産・自由・社民推薦の米山知事(反原発)が誕生。日本の電力の要「柏崎刈羽原発」の再稼働を徹底妨害 - 小泉進次郎は消費税増税賛成で緊縮派(財務省とリンク) - 小泉進次郎と財務省の関係(「モリカケ」含む) - 小泉進次郎は米CSISでマイケル・グリーンのカバン持ち - CSISとキッシンジャー元米国務長官の関係 - CSISのマイケル・グリーン、韓国テレビで「日本は韓国慰安婦に関して謝罪と賠償を」 - 米国務省は伝統的に親中・反日 - CSISのマイケル・グリーンは外交問題評議会(CFR)の元上席研究員 (政治学者) - ソロスのオープン・ソサエティ財団、CFRのツイートを頻繁にリツイート - CFR設立者のハウス大佐は共産主義シンパ - CFRメンバーのキッシンジャーも中共シンパ - CFRは外交誌「フォーリン・アフェアーズ」を刊行 - 「フォーリン・アフェアーズ」過去の寄稿者: バラック・オバマ、ヒラリー・クリントン、ジョン・マケイン、ジョン・エドワーズ、ミット・ロムニー - CFRの日本の会員関係者: 若泉敬、長島昭久(上席研究員を経験)、行天豊雄(元財務官)、小林陽太郎(三極委員会太平洋アジアグループ委員長)、緒方貞子(元国連難民高等弁務官) - 橋本龍太郎元首相は1996年9月24日、CFR(ニューヨーク)において講演 - 橋本龍太郎と中国ハニトラ - 日本共産党の志位委員長は橋本龍太郎の死去にお悔やみ - 緒方貞子とキッシンジャーの関係 - 長島昭久は一見保守に見えるがなぜ元民主党(現在、小池百合子の希望の党)なのか - イラン・コントラ事件など、CIAの謀略工作にはCFRメンバーが関与していることが多い - プーチンとソロスの対立 - ウィキリークス「パナマ文書公開はプーチンを攻撃するためにアメリカ政府とソロスが資金提供をして行われた」 - ジョン・ブレナンCIA長官は反トランプ - ブレナンCIA長官はオバマ政権1期目の国土安全保障・テロ対策担当補佐官 - 「ロシア・ゲート」はブレナンCIA長官による日本版「モリカケ」 - ヒラリー・クリントンとソロスの関係 - ヒラリー・クリントン、ロシア政府系ウラン企業から資金(「ロシア・ゲート」のブーメラン) - ビル・クリントンのセックススキャンダル (モニカ・ルインスキー) - ビル・クリントンの未成年買春疑惑@エプステインのプライベートカリブの島 (現地には英国王室アンドルー王子も) - ビル・クリントンの買春疑惑に米大手メディアはだんまり - ソロス、貧困や環境系NPOを隠れ蓑にした脱税 (オープン・ソサエティ財団他) - ソロスとウォール街占拠デモ (オバマ政権誕生の切欠) - ANTIFAへソロス資金 - ANTIFAの反トランプデモ - しばき隊SEALDsとANTIFAの共通点 - ソロスを筆頭に、SEALDs、グリーンピースなどの反日団体が「テロ等準備罪」を「共謀罪」と批判 - SEALDs奥田愛基、ヒラリー・クリントン事務所へ応援 - SEALDsと日本共産党の深い繋がり - ソロスのグローバリズム=共産主義の残滓 一覧を見ると、将来まかり間違って日本のリーダーにでもなりそうな人物も居る。保守のフリした反日サヨクも。 日本国民が賢くならなければ、将来彼らが日本の国益を破壊することになるだろう。 CIAに操られている彼らにはせめて、逆に米国のアカ共を監視する役割を期待したい。それが出来ないなら早々に政治の舞台から降りてほしい。日本の国益を害するだけである。
Q anon posts
4chan に現れた Q anon 氏の投稿である。 暗号的な投稿が多く少し読み辛いが、読み取れる箇所を読めば色々と見えてくるものがあるかもしれない。 基本的には、反日・共産主義勢力にとってかなり痛そうな内容となっている。 オバマ時代に似非リベラルに乗っ取られたCIAと対立する米軍の諜報機関が流しているのかどうかはわからないが、大変興味深い内容である。 米民主党、ヒラリー・クリントン、オバマ前大統領、ジョージ・ソロスとその偽善団体、サウジ、北朝鮮、麻薬資金とマネロン、、、まずは自分自身で翻訳してみてほしい。 ``` November 9, 2017 11:24 pm UserID: NOjYqEdl PostNo: 148781546 [C]los[I]ng [A]ct: Dismantled. Impossible to clean. Operations --> [N]o [S]uch [A]gency Q November 9, 2017 11:07 pm UserID: NOjYqEdl PostNo: 148779656 Trip added. [C]oordinated effort to misdirect. Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to contnue. Attached gr[A]phic is correct. Linked graphics are incorrect and false. Graphic is necessary and vital. Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical. Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release. Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news. Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary. Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True Why was this necessary? What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events? Why is this relevant? Think mirror. Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you. What is a map? Why is a map useful? What is a legend? Why is a legend useful? What is a sequence? Why is this relevant? When does a map become a guide? What is a keystone? Everything stated is relevant. Everything. Future provides past. Map provides picture. Picture provides 40,000ft. v. 40,000ft. v. is classified. Why is a map useful? Think direction. Think full picture. Who controls the narrative? Why is this relevant? What is a spell? Who is asleep? Dissemination. Attention on deck. There is an active war on your mind. Be [p]repared. Ope[r]ations underway. Operators [a]ctive. Graphic is essential. Find the ke[y]stone. Moves and countermoves. They never thought she would lose. Snow white. Godfather III. Iron Eagle. Q November 7, 2017 7:05 pm UserID: NOjYqEdl PostNo: 148457032 The graphic is your key. Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads. Was the money worth it? Titanic. Q November 7, 2017 6:56 pm UserID: NOjYqEdl PostNo: 148455482 Previous was deleted. Curious. +++ ++ + Q November 7, 2017 6:34 pm UserID: NOjYqEdl PostNo: 148452545 +++ ++ + Q November 6, 2017 5:07 pm UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148289594 Nothing is random. Everything has meaning. +++ Q November 6, 2017 4:52 pm UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148287529 What does money buy? How do you prevent tampering? Why are most forms of media left-wing? Why is H-wood left-wing? Why is the narrative so important? Why do liberals defer to racism w/o proof? No proof. Who is HRC’s mentor? What party was he affiliated with? Proof. What party formed the KKK? What party formed the Confederacy? What party abolished slavery? Why are D’s attempting to erase history? Is the black pop truly free today or enslaved by the D party? Refer back to black pop crumbs. Why is this relevant? Why is there an attack the day after bad news is published (D)? Do you believe in coincidences? Paint the picture. Crumbs will make bread. Operations underway. Operators active. Pray. Snow White. Godfather III. Q November 6, 2017 4:52 pm UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148287473 Why were the acts that recently occurred in SA so critically important? What US assets are in place in/near SA? What assurances were made to protect the Kingdom? Who shot down the missile from Yemen? POTUS declassify_speech_Jap_11_5 Was it really from Yemen? How do we know? Why is this relevant? Who are the puppets? Who are the puppet masters? Who pulls the strings? What provides power? What if US elections can be rigged? How are JFK, Reagan, and Trump different from the rest? Why did JFK surround himself w/ family much like POTUS? What if it was bought and paid for? How would this be possible? Why are there no voting ID laws in place? What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh. What is the argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted? Why are immigrants important? (MB)(Votes)(Attacks) Why are illegals important? (MS13)(Votes)(187) Why is open border important? What did BO say on the campaign trail last year to illegals within the US? What did BO encourage? Was this illegal? Who owns sizeable stakes in voter machine co’s? Who decides what voter machines are used in elections? Why are some ‘important’ counties still manually/hand counted? God save us. Q November 6, 2017 4:51 pm UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148287396 Why, by coincidence, is there a terrorist attack (or mental health c-level attack) within a short time post negative D news? Do you believe in coincidences? They think you are stupid. Puppets w/o power. They want your guns. Why? No power left. Who funds ISIS? What email published by WL connects SA/Qatar to ISIS? Was HRC connected? Why is this relevant? Why is controlling the narrative important? Do most people investigate for themselves or simply follow? Why is the MSM so hostile towards POTUS? Who controls the MSM? Why, each and every day, is the MSM pushing a particular topic? Coordinated? Who sets the narrative for the day? How is the narrative communicated to the MSM? What does the NSA/MI have (at least what you know of) that allows for data collection? Think Snowden. Why is the NSA limited re: ability to capture and unmask US persons? Who sets the narrative? US persons? Who can violate this rule? Who cannot violate this rule? Why is Adm R so important? Who wanted him fired? Why? Why wasn’t Adm R replaced by POTUS when taking office? Why is this relevant? Who has the ultimate power to designate classification? Who ultimately sets classification? Why is this relevant? Fantasy land. Q November 6, 2017 4:51 pm UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148287326 What is money flow disruption? List the Billionaires. What family history goes back pre_WW1/2? Why is this relevant? Why did the Bush family recently break silence and attack POTUS? Coincidence pre SA arrests? Who audits the billions paid for war? Who audits the billions paid for environment policy (side note)? Where do the funds go? Offshore? To who / which entity and/or org? What slush fund was recently terminated by AG Sessions? What is Fast & Furious? What is the underlying theme? MONEY. Who controls the FED? How did political leaders/’talking heads’ accum assets in excess of $5mm+? What was the net worth for each prior to taking office? Reconcile. Why is this relevant? Snow White. Godfather III. Q November 6, 2017 4:50 pm UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148287236 What family was permitted to leave immediately after 9-11? Who authorized the departure? Why is this relevant? Was anyone else permitted to leave? Repeat. Was anyone else permitted to leave? Was it a private plane? What can private planes carry v commercial? What airport did they arrive/depart from? What was carried on a private plane to Iran? Why was the Bin Laden family here during 9-11? Coincidence? How does SA connect to the Bin Laden family? Who in SA is connected specifically to the Bin Laden family? What did they deliver? To who? Why? What does money buy? Why are the events in SA relevant to the above? Who is the financial backer for human trafficking? Who is the ‘broker’ for underage sex? Think SA. How does FB & Instagram play a role in capture? Think ‘Taken’. Fantasy right? Why do select senior political officials have foundations/institutes? What is money laundering? What does money buy? Why is this relevant? What other people were arrested in SA? What are their backgrounds? Are any connected to the Podesta Group? Why is this relevant? What do you need in order to prosecute senior political officials? How do you avoid public misconception? How do you justify counter-political attacks to the mass public? Why is information so vital? Is the country divided? Why does the MSM portray the country as being divided? Why is this relevant? Q November 6, 2017 4:50 pm UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148287184 Why was the arrest of Alwaleed and others important? How is Alwaleed and BO tied to HUMA? Why did Alwaleed finance BO pre-political days? Why did Alwaleed finance BO pre-political days? What is HUMA? Define. What book was BO caught reading? Why was this immediately disregarded as false? What is ‘Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria’? Why is this relevant? Why would the President of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA be reading this book? What church did BO attend as pre-POTUS? Who was BO’s mentor? How is Alwaleed and HRC connected? Who was HRC’s mentor? How is Alwaleed and Bush Sr./Jr. connected? What occurred post 9-11? What war did we enter into? What was the purpose and disclosures given re: justification? Who financed 9-11? Why, recently, are classified 9-11 pages being released? What just occurred in SA? What FOIA docs are being publicly released (recently)? Why is this relevant? What information is contained within these c-releases? Why is C Wray important with regards to these releases? What does money laundering mean? What is the single biggest event that can generate many nation states to payout billions? Who audits where the money goes? $15,000 for a toothbrush? Reconcile. Why did we attack Iraq? Halliburton. Who are they? What do they specialize in? What is oil field service? Why is this relevant? What ‘senior’ level political officials are affiliated w/ Halliburton? What is the primary goal? What is the primary mode of influence that drives corruption? What does money buy? How is this connected to SA? How is this connected to Alwaleed? How is this connected to LV? Q November 6, 2017 4:48 pm UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148286961 Crumb dump incoming fast. Archive immediately. Upload to graphic. Q November 6, 2017 12:23 am UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148189295 !!!!!!!!!!! November 5, 2017 11:56 pm UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148186256 US Military = savior of mankind. We will never forget. Fantasy land. God save us all. Q November 5, 2017 11:53 pm UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148185905 Social media platforms. Top 10 shareholders of Facebook? Top 10 shareholders of Twitter? Top 10 shareholders of Reddit? Why is SA relevant? MSM. Controlling stakes in NBC/MSNBC? Controlling stakes in ABC? Controlling stakes in CBS? Controlling stakes in CNN? Investor(s) in Fox News? Why is this relevant? What is Operation Mockingbird? Active? Who is A Cooper? What is A Cooper's background? Why is this relevant? Snow White. Godfather III. Speed. Q November 5, 2017 11:46 pm UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148185083 Important to archive. Above & next drops have high probability of shutting down /pol/. It is being safeguarded for these transmissions but not 100% secure. Who owns /pol/? Why is this platform being used? What recent events almost occurred re: /pol/? Why is this relevant? Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings. Repeat. Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings. More false flags imminent. Elections (tues) no longer matter at this stage. Snow White. Godfather III. Above will have context as news unfolds. Summarize and paint the picture. Critical. Q November 5, 2017 11:34 pm UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148183670 Important Context: What have you learned about HUMA? What organization is HUMA? Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA? Why is this relevant? What year(s) did this occur? Who funded on behalf this President? Why is this relevant? What year(s) did this occur? What just happened in SA? Who was arrested? Funds frozen. Why would this former President be funded pre-political days? Repeat. Important. Why would this former President be funded pre-political days? Why is the relevance? Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people? Fast forward. Why are the events in SA so important? Why was JK in SA recently? Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening? Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee? Refocus again. Who was arrested in SA? Any ownership stakes in US co's? Why is this relevant? Twitter. Las Vegas. Recent events. Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political days? What year(s) did this occur? What faith does HUMA represent? What faith does the MB represent? What faith does Huma represent? Who are the bad actors? Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians? Fantasy land. Fantasy land. Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief? Is this possible? Is the US political / election system corrupt? Who owns poll machines? Soros? Why is this relevant? They never thought she would lose. They never thought she would lose. Fantasy land. Fantasy land. The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital. POTUS is our savior. Pray. Operators are active. We are at war. Goodnight BO. Snow White. Godfather III. Q November 5, 2017 8:08 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148156937 MSM. CIA counter-ops. Will all fall down. Q November 5, 2017 8:06 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148156632 Amen brother. Q November 5, 2017 8:03 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148156129 Nothing is as it seems, Anon. What occurred? It flushed BO out. Why is that relevant? Analyze time stamps of my go message to BO's Tweet. Q November 5, 2017 7:59 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148155609 Code: May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst. Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live. Coincidence? Pray. Q November 5, 2017 7:57 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148155343 Nothing is a coincidence. We are at war. SA cut the strings. They are scrambling for cover and using any means necessary out of their remaining power/control. God bless. Q November 5, 2017 7:54 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148154941 Please pray. Operators are in harms way. High risk. High value targets. Please pause and give thanks to those who would die to save our republic. More to follow. Q November 5, 2017 7:49 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148154137 Now is the time to pray. We're operational. God bless the United States of America. Q November 5, 2017 7:34 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148152047 POTUS You are all heroes. Come home safe. Godspeed. November 5, 2017 7:17 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148149435 14.5995° N, 120.9842° E _Conf_UDT_green_ ^_Sj69ETC- Godspeed. November 5, 2017 7:08 pm UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148148004 Graphic confirmed. Q jD79-x10ABy-89zBT 08:00 12:00 11_6_TP_Pub PHIL_B_O_Extract_Conf 02:00 Z November 5, 2017 6:41 pm UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148143562 Who is the Queen of England? How long in power? With power comes corruption. What happened to Diana? What did she find out? Why was she running? Who did she entrust to help her flee? What was the cover? Why is this relevant? Why now? Old. Connection. News. Bad actor. London Mayor. Background? Affiliation? Connection to Queen? British MI6 agents dead. When? How? What was reported? What really happened? Why is this relevant? Wealth. Corruption. Secret society. Evil. Germany. Merkel. Migrants. Why are migrants important? Assets. What are assets? Define assets? Why are migrants so important? What are assets? Why are migrants so important? What are assets? Why are migrants so important? Operations. Satan. Who follows? What political leaders worship Satan? What does an upside down cross represent? Who wears openly? Why? Who is she connected to? Why is this relevant? Spirit cooking. What does Spirit Cooking represent? Cult. What is a cult? Who is worshipped? Why is this relevant? Snow White Godfather III Speed. Q November 5, 2017 6:40 pm UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148143472 US assets. Location. Who was arrested in SA? Define. Background? HUMA. Foundations? Institutes? Soros. Who was killed in SA? Who fired? Who really fired? Why would we fire? Follow the money. Who pulls the strings? Strings detached. Open season on puppets. Who are the puppets? Where are the puppets? Global. MSM. Mockingbird. Secret agents. A. Cooper family background? Why is this relevant? Q November 5, 2017 6:16 pm UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148139484 Graphic is good. Please update and continue to log. Important more than you know. Review each sentence post happenings. Big picture. Signatures have necessary meaning. Snow White. Godfather III. Q November 5, 2017 6:15 pm UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148139234 Game Theory. Define. Why is this relevant? Moves and countermoves. Who is the enemy? False flags. Shooter identification. Shooter history. Shooter background. Shooter family. MS13. Define hostage. Define leverage. MS13. Shooter. Family. Hostage. Force. Narrative. Race. Background. Why is this relevant? Flynn. What is Flynn’s background? What was his rank? Was he involved in intel ops? What access or special priv? Why is this relevant? Set up. Who wins? Who becomes exposed? Who knows where the bodies are buried? Who has access? What is MI? Who was part of MI during BO term? Who was fired during BO term (MI)? Why is this relevant? Re-read complete crumb graphic (confirmed good). Paint the picture. Disinformation exists and is necessary. 10 days. Darnkess. War. Good v. Evil. Roadmap of big picture is here. Review post happenings. Clarified. Crumbs not only for /pol/. The silent ones. Others monitoring (friends and enemies). Instructions. Snow White. Godfather III. Q November 5, 2017 2:26 am UserID: cS8cMPVQ PostNo: 148033932 Amazing how things make sense once you are asked a question. That's the entire point of this operation. It's up to you all to collect, archive (safely), and distribute in a graphic that is in order with the crumb dumbs. It will all make sense. Once it does, we look to you to spread and get the word out. Time stamps will help you validate authenticity. Your President needs your help. He wants full transparency for the great people of this country. Everything stated is for a reason. God bless, Patriots. Q November 5, 2017 2:17 am UserID: cS8cMPVQ PostNo: 148033178 What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU. Keep digging and keep organizing the info into graphics (critical). God bless. Hillary & Saudi Arabia Snow White Godfather III Q November 5, 2017 2:14 am UserID: cS8cMPVQ PostNo: 148032910 Review my other threads. This is why complete graphics are so important. BO paid the debt prior to leaving office. HRC is not currently in SA. Bill wants a deal. Playing the former President card. Watch the cookie quickly crumble. Where does Soros fit in? Godfather III November 5, 2017 2:06 am UserID: cS8cMPVQ PostNo: 148032210 Correction: HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut. She's now on her own and fighting for her life. Q November 5, 2017 1:55 am UserID: cS8cMPVQ PostNo: 148031295 Seth Rich only mentioned because it directly relates to SA. Las Vegas. What hotel did the 'reported' gunfire occur from? What floors specifically? Who owns the top floors? Top floors only. Why is that relevant? What was the shooter's name? What was his net worth? How do you identify a spook? What can historical data collection reveal? Was there any eye witnesses? Who? Was he registered as a security guard? Why is MS13 important? What doesn't add up? Was there only one shooter? Why was JFK released? What do the JFK files infer? Was there only one shooter? Who was in LV during this time? What was the real mission? Speculate. Why are survivors dying randomly? What do each of these survivors have in common? Did they talk on social media? What did they say? Were they going to form a group? Why is this relevant? How did they die? What CIA report was released by WK? What can control a car? How did the (2) of the survivors die? Car crash? How does this connect to SA? What just happened in SA? Who owns the top floors of the hotel? What happened today in SA? To who specifically? Was POTUS in LV that night? Yes/no? Why was he there? Who did he have a classified meeting with? Did AF1 land at McCarran? What unmarked tail numbers flew into McCarren that night? Trace AF1 that entire day. What do you notice? Classified. Q November 5, 2017 1:50 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148025825 Why is MS13 a priority? Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure? The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof! Snow White Godfather III Q November 5, 2017 1:39 am UserID: cS8cMPVQ PostNo: 148029962 Confirmed. Classified. ((HRC)) Q November 5, 2017 1:35 am UserID: cS8cMPVQ PostNo: 148029633 Thank you Anon. FBI/MI currently have open investigation into the CF. Why didn't Comey drop this? Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? How many kids disappeared? How much money was sent to CF under disguise of Haiti relief and actually went to Haiti? What countries donated big money to CF? SA? Why is this relevant? Snow White Q November 5, 2017 1:31 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148023976 Ten days. Darkness. Scare tactics (MSM). D's falling. R's walk-away/removed. SA --> US --> Asia --> EU Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary. Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc). Necessary. POTUS' Twitter attack (see above). Important. Why is this relevant? What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA? Why is this relevant? SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4). Where is POTUS? Why is this relevant? Military operations. Operators in US. Snow White The Great Awakening Godfather III Q November 5, 2017 1:12 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148022342 My signatures all reference upcoming events about to drop if this hasn't been caught on. Snow White Godfather III Q November 5, 2017 1:10 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148022145 Finally. Correct reference. Saudi Arabia - The Bloody Wonderland. =Alice & Wonderland signatures Study. Important. Q November 5, 2017 1:06 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148027165 Who funds MS13? Why did BO instruct HS & BP to release MS13 captures at the border? What agency has direct ties to (2) major drug cartels? Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the removal of MS13? Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing building the wall? Immigration? Drugs? Who do you hire for a hit? Who can be eliminated after the job is complete? Seth Rich. Who was found dead (2) shortly after his murder? What affiliation did they have? Classified. Q November 5, 2017 1:03 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148021501 Please add crumbs above in new complete graphic. Organized and in order. Critical for understanding and review. Spider web. Hillary & Saudi Arabia (Alice & Wonderland)(see above). This is staged and deliberate. Snow White Godfather lll Q November 5, 2017 12:51 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148020278 Simplified. Alice & Wonderland. Hillary & Saudi Arabia. References: Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland. Q November 5, 2017 12:49 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148020085 [Repost]Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen. Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland. Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland. Q November 5, 2017 12:47 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148019905 When big news drops please re-read entire graphic. This is so critical and why information is provided in a certain order and why some topics are continually emphasized more than others as those will be the recent happenings. This is the purpose of this new thread (re-organize). Snow White Wizards & Warlocks. Q November 5, 2017 12:44 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148019575 We need to get organized. Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen. Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland. Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland. Snow White. Wizards & Warlocks. Q November 5, 2017 12:16 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148016876 Graphic is right. Add above points to graphic. Stay organized. Q November 5, 2017 12:15 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148016769 [Repost Lost] Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary. SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)... Alice & Wonderland. Q [Repost Lost] What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)? To who was it addressed? When was POTUS' Twitter taken down? Why is this relevant? What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)? Who was it addressed to specifically? When was POTUS' Twitter taken down? Has this ever happened before? Why now? Coincidence? How many times did the attack occur (secondary clean up)? What is the purpose of tracking? What is the purpose of disruption? Why did POTUS have military guards (uniform) while in HI? Why is this relevant? Do military guards (uniform) typically assist the USSS? Why is this relevant? What flying object was recently shot down? Why is this relevant? How precise is geo tracking (non-public c-level pro)? Why is this relevant? Alice & Wonderland. Q [Repost Lost] Q = Alice You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland. Everything has meaning. God bless. Q November 5, 2017 12:15 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148016731 [Repost Lost] Follow HUMA. Who connects HRC/CF to SA? Why is this relevant? Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? Who has ties to the MB? Who is Awan? What is the Awan Group? Where do they have offices? Why is this relevant? Define cash laundering. What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan? Why is this relevant? Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials? What does SA obtain in exchange for payment? Why is access important? What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016? How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16? HRC lost. Loss of access/power/control. Does repayment of funds to SA occur? If so, how? Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran? Why wasn't Congress notified? Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'? Who has access to 'State Secrets'? Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land? Did the planes all land in the same location? How many planes carried the cash? Why is this relevant? What does this have to do w/ NK? What does this have to do w/ SA/CF cash donations? What does this have to do w/ ISIS? What does this have to do w/ slush funds? Why is SA so vitally important? Follow the money. Who has the money? What is happening in SA today? Why is this relevant? Who was Abdullah bin Abdulaziz? What events transpired directly thereafter? How was POTUS greeted compared to other former US President's when in SA? Why is this relevant? What is the meaning of this tradition? What coincidentally was the last Tweet sent out by POTUS? Why is this relevant? Was that an instruction of some kind? To who? Why is this relevant? Where was POTUS when that Tweet was sent? Why is that relevant? What attack took place in SA as operations were undertaken? Flying objects. What US operators are currently in SA? Why is this relevant? Questions provide answers. Alice & Wonderland. November 5, 2017 12:15 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148016670 [Repost Lost] Martial law declared in SA. Why is this relevant? How much money was donated to CF by SA? How much money was donated to John M Institute by SA? How much money was donated to Pelosi Foundation? How much money was donated to CS by SA? What other bad actors have been paid by SA (bribed)(Not just D's)? Why did the Bush family recently come out against POTUS? Who is good? What are the laws in SA v. US (charged criminals)? What information might be gained by these detainees? Why is this important? SA ---> US What force is actively deployed in SA? NG? Have faith. These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever disclosed in our history. Remember, disinformation is real. God bless. Alice & Wonderland. The Great Awakening. Q November 5, 2017 12:14 am UserID: v3eCc2tY PostNo: 148016618 By the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different place. Godfather lll Alice & Wonderland Alice (Lewis Carroll) = The Bloody Wonderland = [Repost] Why did JK travel to SA recently? What is SA known for? Where do the biggest donations originate from? Why is this relevant? What else is relevant w/ SA? Safe harbor? Port of transfer? Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS? Why is the timing important? November 4, 2017 8:28 pm UserID: AZhJ37bn PostNo: 147987614 Q = Alice You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland. Everything has meaning. God bless. Q November 4, 2017 8:22 pm UserID: AZhJ37bn PostNo: 147986661 What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)? To who was it addressed? When was POTUS' Twitter taken down? Why is this relevant? What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)? Who was it addressed to specifically? When was POTUS' Twitter taken down? Has this ever happened before? Why now? Coincidence? How many times did the attack occur (secondary clean up)? What is the purpose of tracking? What is the purpose of disruption? Why did POTUS have military guards (uniform) while in HI? Why is this relevant? Do military guards (uniform) typically assist the USSS? Why is this relevant? What flying object was recently shot down? Why is this relevant? How precise is geo tracking (non-public c-level pro)? Why is this relevant? Alice & Wonderland. Q November 4, 2017 7:44 pm UserID: s4Iv8TW8 PostNo: 147981354 Very smart, Anon. Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary. SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)... Alice & Wonderland. Q November 4, 2017 7:33 pm UserID: s4Iv8TW8 PostNo: 147979863 Follow HUMA. Who connects HRC/CF to SA? Why is this relevant? Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? Who has ties to the MB? Who is Awan? What is the Awan Group? Where do they have offices? Why is this relevant? Define cash laundering. What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan? Why is this relevant? Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials? What does SA obtain in exchange for payment? Why is access important? What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016? How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16? HRC lost. Loss of access/power/control. Does repayment of funds to SA occur? If so, how? Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran? Why wasn't Congress notified? Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'? Who has access to 'State Secrets'? Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land? Did the planes all land in the same location? How many planes carried the cash? Why is this relevant? What does this have to do w/ NK? What does this have to do w/ SA/CF cash donations? What does this have to do w/ ISIS? What does this have to do w/ slush funds? Why is SA so vitally important? Follow the money. Who has the money? What is happening in SA today? Why is this relevant? Who was Abdullah bin Abdulaziz? What events transpired directly thereafter? How was POTUS greeted compared to other former US President's when in SA? Why is this relevant? What is the meaning of this tradition? What coincidentally was the last Tweet sent out by POTUS? Why is this relevant? Was that an instruction of some kind? To who? Why is this relevant? Where was POTUS when that Tweet was sent? Why is that relevant? What attack took place in SA as operations were undertaken? Flying objects. What US operators are currently in SA? Why is this relevant? Questions provide answers. Alice & Wonderland. November 4, 2017 7:02 pm UserID: s4Iv8TW8 PostNo: 147975558 [Repost] Why did JK travel to SA recently? What is SA known for? Where do the biggest donations originate from? Why is this relevant? What else is relevant w/ SA? Safe harbor? Port of transfer? Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS? Why is the timing important? --------------------------- Martial law declared in SA. Why is this relevant? How much money was donated to CF by SA? How much money was donated to John M Institute by SA? How much money was donated to Pelosi Foundation? How much money was donated to CS by SA? What other bad actors have been paid by SA (bribed)(Not just D's)? Why did the Bush family recently come out against POTUS? Who is good? What are the laws in SA v. US (charged criminals)? What information might be gained by these detainees? Why is this important? SA ---> US What force is actively deployed in SA? NG? Have faith. These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever disclosed in our history. Remember, disinformation is real. God bless. Alice & Wonderland. The Great Awakening. Q November 3, 2017 5:56 pm UserID: GVUvg1M7 PostNo: 147819733 God speed to those who will be put in harms way. You are the bravest men and women on earth. We will never forget. All share one title in common and that is the title of "Hero." "The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." November 3, 2017 5:38 pm UserID: GVUvg1M7 PostNo: 147817468 What data just dropped? Why is this relevant? HUMA. HUMA. HUMA. Where is HUMA? Who is HUMA connected to? What organization? What is HUMA's family history? How did HUMA meet HRC? What did HRC say about HUMA that demonstrates how close they are? Why are D's dropping HRC all of a sudden? Were deals made w/ select D's? Can we expose every crooked politician? 70%. HUMA. Follow HUMA. Alice & Wonderland. November 3, 2017 5:33 pm UserID: GVUvg1M7 PostNo: 147816901 Where is John Podesta? Where is Tony Podesta? Did one or both escape the country and was let out? WHERE IS BO? WHERE WAS BO YESTERDAY? What is the difference between commercial and private re: security clearance for departure? Who is the TSA head? Which party did he contribute to? What is of particular interest when researching? How does HS interact w/ TSA? What updated post 9-11 protocols were put in place to prevent/stop inbound/outbound C-level targets? What local airports are in close proximity to DC? What happened shortly after 9-11 (specifically with all aircraft)? Who was authorized to depart? ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized during this 'mandatory forced grounding'. Who SPECIFICALLY authorized this? What airport did the departure take place at? Why is this relevant? How does it tie together? Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted (forced down). Short delay. This will be leaked. Watch the news. Have faith. What fake news anchor will not be on air tonight? Why is this relevant? What was stated in the past? Where did the $18b from Soros go? Why? Can it be used by bad actors (escape, bribes, rogue contractors, etc.)? Slush fund? Did the US gov't seize/stop/track other slush funds that prevent or create risk to operate? Why did JK travel to SA recently? What is SA known for? Where do the biggest donations originate from? Why is this relevant? What else is relevant w/ SA? Safe harbor? Port of transfer? Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS? Why is the timing important? Who released the article? The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated. Nice view up here. Q November 2, 2017 8:19 pm UserID: WBXFv1gl PostNo: 147689362 Let's be real clear. The CIA just attacked the Command and Chief which was immediately detected by NSA/MI and alerted to POTUS. Re-review all my crumbs including today/yesterday/weekend. What does this mean? What actions are immediately occurring? If this leaks, or the immediate action ongoing at Langley, you'll have your verification ahead of schedule. Q November 2, 2017 8:07 pm UserID: WBXFv1gl PostNo: 147687684 :::::Flash Traffic::::: Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS' Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his location. We anticipated this (see post a few hours ago). It has begun. Perhaps more posts to follow as expected imminent departure. Q November 2, 2017 7:31 pm UserID: WBXFv1gl PostNo: 147683156 Fellow Patriots, I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions. We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack. Watch the news outlets. POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago). Should the lights go out please know we are in control. Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. God bless - I must go for good at this point. Q November 2, 2017 7:21 pm UserID: WBXFv1gl PostNo: 147681912 To those watching (you know who you are): You have a choice to make. You can stand up and do what you know to be right. Or you can suffer the consequences of your previous actions. Make no mistake, you are on the losing side. The choice is yours. If you decide to take down /pol/ and the net we will be ready. 4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192 Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 7:12 pm UserID: WBXFv1gl PostNo: 147680749 Highly recommend someone take all my crumbs and put into a massive dump (a single shot). This will be considered the biggest 'inside' 'approved' dump in American history. They are beginning to understand as Podesta's attorney was just notified. All my dumps are being recorded but again it doesn't matter. Alice & Wonderland. WHERE IS BO TODAY?!?!? November 2, 2017 7:07 pm UserID: WBXFv1gl PostNo: 147680054 Please refer back and collect my crumbs. As discussed, we've anticipated the Twitter and other social media blackouts. Rogue agents/programmers. Per sealed Federal orders, we quickly tracked and reinstated. Expect outages periodically (infiltrated). If this doesn't signal what I've been saying I don't know what will. Q November 2, 2017 7:03 pm UserID: KC17sSpZ PostNo: 147679416 You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands. Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military. Why is this relevant? Game theory. Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information. Operators never divulge. Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 5:04 pm UserID: KC17sSpZ PostNo: 147664082 How did SA welcome POTUS during his trip? Why was this historic and not covered by MSM? How did SA welcome BO during his trip? How did SA welcome HRC during her trip? Why is this relevant? Not suggesting SA is clean by any means but they play a role in this global game of RISK. Combine all posts and analyze. The questions provide answers. Remember, information is everything, the flow of information is no longer controlled by the MSM but by you/others. Hence, why we are dedicating 'critical' time to distribute crumbs which can be followed in greater detail to paint the entire picture once more information is released. Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news? Why is this relevant? We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring). Sealed Federal orders pre-submitted as prevention and masked as 'in general' (though that does not account for rogue agents/programmers within). Dates (impending actions) are deliberately provided for authenticity. Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 4:40 pm UserID: KC17sSpZ PostNo: 147661332 Why is this relevant? Who took an undisclosed trip to SA? What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call? Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 4:39 pm UserID: KC17sSpZ PostNo: 147661243 Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government. Why is this relevant? Who took an undisclosed trip to SA? What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call? Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 4:39 pm UserID: KC17sSpZ PostNo: 147661217 http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/292310-huma-abedins-ties-to-the-muslim-brotherhood The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal. Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists. To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi. November 2, 2017 2:44 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147647154 Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." God bless. November 2, 2017 2:39 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147646606 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." November 2, 2017 2:36 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147646189 List out all who have foundations. Why is this relevant? How can donations be used personally? Analyze the filings. Who is charged w/ overseeing this? IRS? Corrupt? Politically motivated? The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY. Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 2:27 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147645024 Review BO's financial disclosure when he submitted pre-D election campaign. What is the annual salary of a sitting US President? What home(s) were just purchased by BO? How much did it cost? How does it reconcile? What is the net worth of Pelosi? How does it reconcile? What is the John M Institute? Notice any patterns relating to the CF? Where did John M obtain his surgery? Why is that relevant? What surgery did he supposedly have? How many days until he was back in Congress and sitting on the OS comm? What is John M's net worth? How does it reconcile? What is MW's net worth? How does it reconcile? You can play this game with most D's and many R's. What does swamp refer to? What does money buy? Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 2:12 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147643257 Dear Patriot. We hear you. We hear all Americans such as yourself. The time has come to take back our great land. The time is now. Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World. Find peace. God is with us. God bless and be safe. -The WH November 2, 2017 2:06 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147642680 BIG DROP: How did NK obtain Uranium? How did Iran obtain Uranium? Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran? Why the cash component? Was the hostage component a cover? For what? Could any of the cash component be handed off to other people? How many planes carried the cash into Iran? Did all land in Iran? Did all land in the same location? Why is this relevant? Who controls NK? Who really controls NK? Don't think of a single person. Think of a powerful entity. Why is this important? Why are wars so important? Who benefits? What does hostage refer to? Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons? Where is BO TODAY? Where is VJ? Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 1:54 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147641320 Follow Sen Grassley. What is different effective this week? What do you notice? Why does Sen Grassley (one example) have a higher than normal amount of security detail? Why is Grassley and others held in a secure location? When did this start? What has been different this week? U1 FBI informant. Have secret sessions been underway? How could this be discovered? What must be reported even if filed under 'State Secrets'? It's a name recognized around the world. Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 1:44 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147640127 What is Q Clearance? What hint does that explicitly refer to? DOE? Who would have the goods on U1? Does stating 'Q' refer that person works in DOE? No. Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments? Why is this relevant? (May 2010) BO "Russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under Section 123 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954" after agreeing to a new nuclear weapons reduction deal and helping US w/ Iran. Who is the enemy? What is being continually stated by all D's? Russia is what? What did the Russia reset really provide? Clearance/pathway to complete the U1 deal? Why is the Canadian PM so important? They never thought they were going to lose. The calm before the storm. November 2, 2017 1:08 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147636035 You can paint the picture based solely on the questions asked. Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag. Does anyone find it to be a coincidence there is always a terrorist attack when bad news breaks for the D's? What is that called? Military relevant how? BO could not and would not allow the military to destroy ISIS - why? How was ISIS formed? When? How has POTUS made such progress in the short time he's been President? Alice & Wonderland. November 2, 2017 12:57 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147634822 Why is the information re: BO important re: U1 and export approval to Canada to EU? Where is BO today? Did BO and/or his admin ever make false statements that U1 would never be exported from the US? Who made those statements? Who did they report to? Why is this relevant? The public has been given a select taste (i.e. sampling) - rest assured others have it all (100% verifiable and impossible to refute). Why is this relevant? Who controls the narrative? Why are left wing organizations beginning to report on DNC/D corruption? Does the CIA have operators inside the MSM? What happens if exposed? What happens if tied back as 'knowing' to execs? What does this have to do with 'leaking'? What if it can be verified no sourced stories (made up) were in fact (and approved) to be published? The wormhole goes deep. November 2, 2017 12:36 pm UserID: zGyR4tyi PostNo: 147632662 Follow Huma. What just broke w/ Huma? What did HRC instruct Huma to do re: Classified markings? Why is this story just now coming out? What relevance does it have? Why is Donna running for cover? Was a deal granted in exchange for something? Who made the deal? Do we care about Donna or those who instructed her to violate the law? Why is this being leaked v. simply prosecuted privately? Who is attempting to change the narrative and soften the acts that are forthcoming this weekend? November 2, 2017 3:06 am UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147592019 Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless. November 2, 2017 3:01 am UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147591663 These crumbs are not meant to scare anyone but merely inform. Resistance will be dealt with swiftly. The core focus is removing entrenched and fortified bad actors within our federal govt (past and present) as well as others. Simply be diligent - phone numbers will be provided if you witness an uprising or other domestic violence (in addition to 911). Any military seen is for your protection as well as to demonstrate our resolve. Watch for confirmations tomorrow. November 2, 2017 2:54 am UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147591125 We serve at the pleasure of the President. DJT November 2, 2017 2:47 am UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147590619 What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do with it. Enjoy the crumbs. November 2, 2017 2:18 am UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147588421 4,10,20 A,b,c,d,e...... November 2, 2017 2:14 am UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147588085 Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now? Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missle capabilities? Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran? What deal was done with Iran under BO? Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification? Why wasn’t Congress notified? Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US? What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016). Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you? Big picture is rare. November 2, 2017 1:48 am UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147586045 Four carriers & escorts in the pacific? Why is that relevant? To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China? Or conversely all for NK? Or all three. Think logically about the timing of everything happening. Note increased military movement. Note NG deployments starting tomorrow. Note false flags. Follow Huma. Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms. The calm before the storm. November 2, 2017 12:57 am UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147581516 They are the true Patriots. We will never forget. Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain. Fight the good fight. LET JUSTICE BE SERVED. November 2, 2017 12:54 am UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147581302 Military Intelligence. No media. No leaks. How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days? Focus on Flynn. Background and potential role. What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS? Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO? Why is this relevant? Who owes a lot to very bad actors? How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory. What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations? What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to? How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year). What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch? Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period. What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop? What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs. What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had? Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion? These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture. If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud). Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture. There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty. Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country. November 1, 2017 10:56 pm UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147567928 POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people. It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.” God bless my fellow Americans. 4,10,20 November 1, 2017 10:56 pm UserID: pGukiFmX PostNo: 147567888 Q Clearance Patriot My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad). November 1, 2017 2:51 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147455196 I’m hopeful my time spent here was not wasted. Note few if any shills inside this thread. Reason for that. It’s being monitored, recorded, and analyzed and don’t want the clutter. Take good care. God bless. November 1, 2017 2:44 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147454631 Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents). November 1, 2017 2:38 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147454188 World stalemate. We all have the goods on everyone else. That’s part of the reason why some things that tie back to foreign heads of state will remain classified (not all). We are in one of the most critical times of our country. Trump and others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt and remove the bad actors who are entrenched. There is so much string pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country. November 1, 2017 2:25 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147453147 Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected? Fantasy right? When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control. When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail? Why would he take that huge risk given what we know? I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points. These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and analyze data then pushed to z terminals for eval. Think xkeysc on steroids. November 1, 2017 2:13 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147452214 Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody). We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil. November 1, 2017 1:59 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147451052 Well done. Picture being painted. November 1, 2017 1:56 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147450817 Not everything can be publicly disclosed because so much ties back to foreign heads of state. Much will be revealed, we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from. November 1, 2017 1:41 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147449624 Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker). Biggest advanced drop on Pol. November 1, 2017 1:34 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147449010 Follow up to last post. Return to comments re: Pelosi and John M (some of us refuse to say his last name for a reason). This all has meaning - everything stated. Big picture stuff - few positions allow for this direct knowledge. Proof to begin 11.3. We all sincerely appreciate the work you do. Keep up the good fight. The flow of information is vital. God bless. November 1, 2017 1:27 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147448408 Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side. November 1, 2017 1:11 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147446992 Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11. Why is this relevant? Who can be held hostage and controlled? CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil). Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent? They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors. Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one. He controls the top. November 1, 2017 12:57 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147445681 Who controls the NG? Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US? Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines? Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize? What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly? Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift. November 1, 2017 12:48 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147444934 I’ve dumped some crumbs like this over the weekend which started the intense shilling. At this point we are far enough along you can paint the picture without risk of jeopardizing the operation. November 1, 2017 12:42 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147444335 Who did POTUS meet with yesterday? Was AG Sessions there? How many MI generals were on the WH list to attend a separate meeting? Could those meetings have been combined? Why were certain rooms in the WH renovated? Where was the meeting on Monday? Why aren’t phones allowed in this room (one of many). What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations? November 1, 2017 12:29 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147443190 Why do D’s want to control the black pop? Why do they intentionally keep poor and in need? Why do D’s project racism on a daily basis against R’s? Why do black elected officials do the crazy talk on behalf of D’s? How do D’s cover the historical facts of forming the confederacy, KKK, and oppose all things pro black re: legislation? What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop? Why do D’s, through the funding of the CIA, prop up and install Hollywood/media assets? Does this fall within Operation Mockingbird? What were the historical advantages D’s gained by having MSM and famous people peddling narrative? Who exposed the pedo network within H wood? You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details. The network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop under control is being dismantled. False local and national black leaders will be exposed next as shills for the D party. Follow the money. Maxine W has a $4mm home and cash assets in excess of $6mm. How is that possible? One example. All of these questions help to paint the full picture. November 1, 2017 12:07 am UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147441378 Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule? Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel? What is Pelosi’s net worth? How was this obtained given salary as career official? Why is Pelosi’s memory going? Could it protect against prosecution? How so? What if John M’s surgery was fake? Why would this occur? What could this prevent potentially? What is the Mayo Clinic? Who sits on the BOD there? October 31, 2017 11:58 pm UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147440171 Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations? Why is this relevant? Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines. How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges? Biggest drop on Pol. Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for. October 31, 2017 11:31 pm UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147437247 Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact). October 31, 2017 11:00 pm UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147434025 There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory). 11.3 - Podesta indicted 11.6 - Huma indicted Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan). Good speed, Patriots. PS, Soros is targeted. October 31, 2017 11:00 pm UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147433975 SCI[F] Military Intelligence. What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC? What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies? What must occur to allow for civilian trials? Why is this relevant? What was Flynn's background? Why is this relevant? Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth? Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried? Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors? Was TRUMP asked to run for President? Why? By Who? Was HRC next in line? Was the election suppose to be rigged? Did good people prevent the rigging? Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate? Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact? What is POTUS in control of? What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt? Why does the military play such a vital role? Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals? Who guards former Presidents? Why is that relevant? Who guards HRC? Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate? Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org? What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism? What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law? What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines? Why is this important? What is Mueller's background? Military? Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering? How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead? Who is helping POTUS? ``` ### 参考: [qanonposts.com](http://qanonposts.com/) [Q anon posts](https://qanon.000webhostapp.com/) [4chan Archive Search](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/NOjYqEdl/)
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